Friday, July 26, 2013

DEAR READER: my wife slept with my father for us to have a child

My wife had sex with my father
so that we could have the baby
we both longed for. I so regret
agreeing to it.
I am 35, my wife is a year younger. We've
been married for seven years but have been
trying for a baby without success.

We both got checked out and I was told the
problem was mine and untreatable. Our only
options were sperm donation or adoption.
We decided to go ahead with the donor option.
My parents were supportive and willing to help
with the cost, but we had no luck. My wife was
beside herself and this had an impact on our
relationship, and on my work as I found it hard
to concentrate.
Once again my parents were supportive. They
adopted me as a baby so they understood the
longing for a child, but what they said next
took me by surprise. They asked how I'd feel
if my dad helped my wife to conceive.
My wife was also shocked. Initially she turned
the idea down point blank but I convinced her
we had no option. We still had our doubts
though, as my dad is in his sixties and I did not
know if he could still perform.
We decided the risk would be worth it and
we'd go ahead, though we were both nervous.
She had never been with another man.
He took her into the spare room to have sex
but I was having second thoughts by then. I
could hear them both moaning and the bed
creaking. I couldn't stand it so left the house.
She has never made noises in my bed and this
leaves me feeling incompetent. I keep
wondering if he is better endowed than me. I
regret it all but I don't know how to put the
clock back.
You had a knock to your self-image discovering
you're infertile but don't let sexual insecurity
blind you to common sense. Moaning doesn't
mean happiness.
Tell your wife how much you regret urging her
to have sex with your father that she's too
special to you and you love her. Put a firm stop
to this now. Explain to your parents that this
plan is too difficult and uncomfortable.
I hope your wife hasn't already conceived
because if she is expecting your adoptive
father's child, that could be the start of your
problems. You and your mother could find
yourselves ever more resentful. Your father
could want influence over the baby.

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